Packing up my life and sorting through thirty something years of stuff is daunting and dreadful, really. At first I was extremely organized and refused to pack things unnecessary to the good fortune of my life (a sweater with a hole will not bring me luck at my new job); things redundant (who needs five pairs of scissors? two paper cutters?); excessive amounts of things with no sentimental/financial/purposeful value (hello old notebooks from school, we meet again to say goodbye). After launching into this process logically and artfully, I realized that the payoff for all my focused attention was a move-date already creeping through my front door. And suddenly it was time to move.
When I looked at everything crammed into the containers, it seemed Tim and I really didn't have much stuff after all. It was both a relief that my life isn't so laden with material things and a little depressing that I don't have more things that I actually care about. I move entirely too much to possess anything of true value.
Time to move. Time to move? Yes, time to move. I still can't believe how fast this all happened. The decision to move from Oakland to Minneapolis wrapped up in about 3.5 weeks. This includes writing a resume and making a portfolio; applying, interviewing, and accepting a new job; giving two weeks notice at my (then current) job; saying goodbye to my friends; figuring out how one actually moves their life across the country; and finding a new place to live in a city we didn't visit beforehand.
Despite the heat wave, Minneapolis has been good to us so far. And so begins a new adventure.
It only makes sense that I moved my blog as well. I will check-in periodically and see if it likes living here.
I need to take more photographs.
Mt. Rushmore |
The Foshay Tower Reflection, Minneapolis |
The view from The Foshay |
Minnesota State Fair |
Minnesota State Fair |
Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake! Minnesota State Fair |
Beautifully written and amazing pictures.